Direction Route is a premium feature, you have to make an in-app purchase / Buy Premium to be able to use it.
UTM Geo Map is equipped with tools to calculate Direction Route (premium). This route can be calculated from 2 or more points, in the case of more than 2 points: other points will be used as waypoints.
This tool can be used as an analysis to determine the closest route from 2 or more points. Unlike ordinary navigation programs, the optimal route results can be saved, edited and exported to other software formats for further processing such as AutoCad.
Direction Route can also be used to determine the optimal route in searching for a location/coordinates in the field, provided that there is already a road in the area. If you are in an area that does not have a road (for example in the middle of a desert or forest) you can use the Find Point module.
Direction Route does not have its own module, but can be calculated in the Area/Distance Measure module, the Compass Map module and the Elevation Profile module to create elevation profile from route. The result is Direction Line data that can be stored in a database or exported to a KML, GPX or DXF file.

(Direction route on Area/Distance Module)

(Direction route on Compass Map Module)
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